Happy New Year! I spent my New Year’s Eve in Miami Beach with two of our closest friends and family as well as my boo for a much needed quality time. As the first post of 2019, I wanted to share a few things I’ve learned the past year as well as set new intentions for 2019.

5 major lessons I’ve learned in 2018:

1. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that, no matter what your lowest moment is, there is always a way of getting out and you do get out of it much stronger. This year this was a period were I was creating this world of unhappy in my mind with the biggest smile on my face. No one knew what I was going through only my close few. I am the type of person that has “to have it all together” but that doesn’t exist; we are human, we are not perfect. It’s ok not to be ok, but I decided to get out of that state of mind and take action by controlling my happiness. I learned this year that I control my happiness and my mental state.

2. Keep your friends and family close. We’re all so busy with work, life, it happens and we tend to forget the ones closest to us. They should matter the most. I am so busy with work at the design office; shoots, the blog, events and helping Patrick with whatever he needs which meant I was away from my friends and family most of the time. I was doing what I loved, but the reason I felt so alone was perhaps because I didn’t have my support system with me. I always have my amazing supporting boyfriend who helped me a lot during this year to grow. I am forever grateful, God outdid himself by sending me you honey (I know you are reading this)

3. Always be grateful. This year made me realize how I take so many things for granted. I am so blessed and sometimes we are so use to living at a certain standard that we don’t take a moment to realize how truly blessed we are. I’m going into 2019 with a positive and grateful heart. Try it, it makes every experience amazing and as I’m writing this, I have a huge smile on my face. A couple of months ago at the end of everyday I started to write down a list of things I was grateful for that day; I can’t begin to explain the amount of happiness and positive impact that simple task brought to my life. I carry a grateful heart for everything big or small.

4. Give Back More. I love helping others and would love to do it in a bigger way this year. Every time I give back my heart is so full; I have come to realize that when you give back you think you are blessing the person you are giving to but in reality you are the one who is being blessed. It is honestly the best feeling ever. I am excited for more opportunities to give back.

5. Create meaningful work with a great team. This year I decided to take the content creating world more serious. I honestly love it. I only want to surround myself with likeminded individuals with positive vibes and truly want to see you succeed. Its hard to find genuine people now a days. Stay tuned a lot of great things to come in 2019.

Intentions for 2019

1. Being Healthy- Meditate and cooking my own meals on a regular basis. Also since I haven’t been exercising or working out, I’d like to start back up again and allot time to go on daily walks with Patrick to disconnect and have good talks. I also want a bike so we can bike in different routes so I can appreciate where I live and find new cool spots to kick it.

2. Smile, Be Grateful – Smiling and laughing definitely reduce stress. I smile a lot, but I’d like to smile more and laugh more in 2019 because good energy is contagious! Also I’d like to continue to do my gratitude list everyday and write down what I’m thankful for. Staying present and paying attention to now.

3. Be More Understanding, Loving, and Kind. – I used to take everything personal or overthink on things. Starting 2019 I’d like to be more open minded and be able to really connect with people. I’d like to love more on them and everything I do and I want to be encouraging. It’s so easy to make someone’s day better by letting them feel important by encouragement and speaking life on to them. Making others happy definitely makes me happy. I want to be more intentional in everything is do.

4.Be Confident and Love Yourself- Stop worrying about the past or the future but live in the present moment and trust the unknown. Challenge myself daily to be a better version of myself in 2019. This past year was a year of growth and a lot of self doubt, but I overcame that. This year, I’m already starting out the year by loving myself which is so important.

Less of:

Self Doubt- instead of listing all the negative things about myself, I’d like to list more of my positive aspects. It’s so easy to nitpick our flaws. We can be our worst critic and its hard to see the positive. I am learning to appreciate the great qualities I have as a person that make up for any ‘flaws.’

Lazy- Instead of saying “I’ll do it later” or “I’ll do it tomorrow” I’d like to say “Just do it” and make it happen and be consistent.


5. Learn Something New- I want to try and learn something new every week whether it’s a new technique, a phrase, food, fashion, hobby, about people, arts, and culture! Can’t wait.

Quote of the day :

Be thankful for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.